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Forest Book Making & Foraging Workshop

Forage mushrooms, Campfire, Roasted marshmallows, Nature book making

30 British pounds
Balloch Station

Service Description

Join us for a forest walk workshop among the Scottish woods at the Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park. We are running two workshops on 22nd September, 2024. Time: Morning Session : 10:00AM - 12:30 PM Afternoon Session : 02:00PM - 4:30 PM Location: We have carefully chosen and designed a route near Loch Lomond area for the workshop. To get there: You can take the train to Balloch from Queen Street station. We will meet you at the Balloch Station and walk together to the start of the trail. Please arrange your own train tickets to arrive on time and leave after the workshop. Please be aware that the total length of the workshop is 2 hour and 30 minutes, which includes walking, activities and breaks to have some water and snacks. Workshop Schedule: (the afternoon workshop follows the same structure of the morning session) 10:00-10:45 A walk along the trail guided by the artist with knowledge on how to identify mushrooms, local trees and plants along the way. The artist will also show you how to forage mushrooms and what is fine to pick to eat. 10:45-11:05 Activities related to Scottish nature and wildlife (you will know on the day) for you with prizes provided by the artist 11:05- 11:45 Campfire, roasted marshmallows and artist sharing his practice. Break and snack time. 11:45-12:20 Nature book making 12:20-12:30 Sharing and feedback What you will get from the workshop: 1 A peaceful time reconnecting with nature. 2 Knowledge of Scottish wild life with activities accordingly. 3 A nature book made by yourself with things collected or foraged from the forest, guided by the artists( we will provide pens, charcoals, crayons and A5 notebooks for every participant ) 4 Marshmallow fun by the fire. 5 Prizes provided by the artist. 6 A chance to meet new friends, share creativity, and explore one’s own expression through a medium of mindful engagement with nature. Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park is home to wildlife, plants and people, and loved by many more. Tips: The workshop will be outdoors. We suggest you make sure you have enough warm and waterproof clothes. We can’t promise the weather on the day and it’s Scotland, you know! Please come prepared. Feel free to bring along some snacks or food with you.

Workshop Highlight

Join our hands-on workshop for a unique opportunity to learn new skills, connect with fellow creatives, and bring your artistic vision to life!

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